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contoh kalimat in the person of

"in the person of" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • And that brings up the potential go-ahead run in the person of Pedro Cerrano.
    Dan itu membawa up potensi hijau run di orang dari Pedro Cerrano.
  • We bring help to the dear Sisters, in the person of Prefect Mercuri.
    Kami membawa bantuan untuk para suster yang baik, dalam wujud manusia, Residen Mercuri.
  • Wenceslaus and Frederick also found another ally in the person of Otto II Wittelsbach, Duke of Bavaria.
    Wenceslaus dan Frederick juga bersekutu dengan Otto II Wittelsbach, Adipati Bayern.
  • Priests as sacramental ministers act in persona Christi, that is in the person of Christ.
    Para imam sebagai pelayan sakramen bekerja in persona Christi, yaitu dalam diri manusia Kristus.
  • This view basically assumes that the Old Covenant is fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ.
    Pandangan ini pada dasarnya mengasumsikan bahwa Perjanjian Lama telah digenapi dalam pribadi Yesus Kristus.
  • According to both Candidus and John of Antioch, she found a lover in the person of Patricius, a former Praetorian prefect.
    Menurut Kandidos dan Ioannis dari Antiokhia, ia menyukai Patrikios, seorang mantan prefek Praetorian.
  • The Gherardeschi reached their height in Pisa in the person of Ugolino della Gherardesca in the 1270s and 1280s.
    Gherardeschi mencapai puncak kejayaan mereka di Pisa di bawah pimpinan Ugolino della Gherardesca pada tahun 1270 dan 1280.
  • Voters were asked whether they approved of the re-establishment of the Empire in the person of Louis Napoléon Bonaparte and family.
    Para pemilih diminta untuk memutuskan apakah mereka menyetujui pendirian kembali Kekaisaran Prancis di bawah kepemimpinan Louis Napoléon Bonaparte dan keluarganya.
  • This is an elongated poem speaking in the person of the one who is dying, asking for forgiveness of sin, the mercy of God, and the intercession of the saints.
    Menyelidiki dan mengaku dosa, berdamai dengan sesama manusia, serta mohon pengampunan dari Tuhan Allah.
  • Soon, however, a new claimant to the Seleucid throne appeared in the person of the young Antiochus VI Dionysus, son of Alexander Balas and Cleopatra Thea.
    Namun, segera setelahnya, muncul seorang muda yang menuntut tahta Seleukia, Antiokhos VI Dionysos, putra Alexander Balas dan Cleopatra Thea.
  • He acts in the person of Christ, representing Christ, who is the Head of the Church, and also acts before God in the name of the Church.
    Ia bertindak selaku pribadi Kristus, merepresentasikan Kristus, yang adalah Kepala Gereja, dan juga bertindak atas nama Gereja di hadapan Allah.
  • After the death of Wenceslaus II in 1305, Mieszko continued to support the P?emyslid dynasty in the person of Wenceslaus III, son and successor of Wenceslaus II.
    Setelah kematian Vaclav II pada tahun 1305, Mieszko terus mendukung Wangsa P?emyslid, Vaclav III, putra dan ahli waris Vaclav II.
  • As such, they have a mother figure in the person of their favorite teacher, Lisa Ortega (Maricar Reyes), who guides their path in their fragile journey as teenagers.
    Mereka menemukan figur seorang ibu pada guru favorit mereka, Lisa Ortega (Maricar Reyes), yang menuntun mereka di masa-masa remaja yang rentan.
  • About the same time, envoys were also sent to Persia by King Ferdinand, in the person of Pietro da Negro and Simon de Lillis, without success.
    Pada waktu yang hampir bersamaan, utusan juga dikirim ke Persia oleh Raja Ferdinand, melalui pribadi Pietro da Negro dan Simon de Lillis, tanpa keberhasilan.
  • We believe that in the person of Jesus Christ, the Divine and human natures are united, so that He is truly and properly God and truly and properly man.
    Kami percaya bahwa di dalam pribadi Yesus Kristus, hakikat ilahi dan manusiawi dipersatukan, sehingga Dia adalah Allah sejati dan manusia sejati.
  • Victoria wrote to her uncle Leopold to thank him "for the prospect of great happiness you have contributed to give me, in the person of dear Albert
    Victoria menulis kepada pamannya Leopold untuk berterima kasih padanya "untuk prospek kebahagiaan besar yang telah anda berikan kepada saya, di dalam orang terkasih ini Albert
  • The Habsburgs only ruled until the conclusion of the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748, when it was ceded back to the Bourbons in the person of Philip of Spain, Charles's younger brother.
    Habsburg hanya memerintah sampai konklusi Perjanjian Aix-la-Chapelle pada tahun 1748, ketika wilayah tersebut diserahkan kembali kepada Bourbon, Philip pribadi, adik Charles.
  • However, the Berlusconi III Cabinet, in the person of Senator Luigi Bobbio (National Alliance), introduced an amendment to the delegation of the reform of the judicial system (the so-called "Reform Castelli").
    Namun, Kabinet Berlusconi III, dalam persekutuan Senator Luigi Bobbio (Aliansi Nasional), memperkenalkan sebuah amendemen terhadap sistem peradialan delegasi reformasi ( disebut "Reform Castelli").
  • Continued znamentiyh adventures of Sonic the hedgehog. Now, in your ranks there was an ally in the person of Dr. Eggman, and as always with you - a friend Tails.
    Terus petualangan znamentiyh dari Sonic landak. Sekarang, di jajaran Anda ada sekutu dalam pribadi Dr. Eggman, dan seperti biasa dengan Anda - teman ekor.
  • But he cannot have forgotten that what is important is revealed to man only through his church in the person of our Holy Father in Rome, his bishops and his priests.
    Tapi dia tidak bisa lupa bahwa apa yang penting adalah reveaIed manusia hanya melalui gereja-Nya dalam diri kita HoIy Bapa di Roma, nya uskup dan imam-nya.
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